What Every First Time Parent Should Know
New parents are bombarded with information about their little bundle of joy. Our goal is to be a trusted partner to parents everywhere, and first time parents are no exception. Here are a few things we think every new parent should know.
Always remember, Back to Sleep
- Babies should sleep on their backs.
- Place baby’s head in alternating directions in the crib every night.
- Learn more about the ABC’s of safe sleep.
Tummy to Play
- Start Tummy Time as soon as baby comes home from the hospital.
- The best moves to begin with are tummy-to-tummy or tummy-to-chest.
- You can also use this time as an opportunity for skin-to-skin contact.
- Check out our Tummy Time abilities to make sure baby is on the right track.
Baby Massage
- Baby massage is a great way to bond with your newborn
- Can help baby’s senses develop
- Can boost new parent confidence
- Learn more about Massage+ 30, 10, 5, an intervention based on 35 years of research
Ask the Experts
- Nurses can provide great tips on how to do the basics
- Doctors help with more specialized questions specific to your child
- Lactation consultants are on hand at many hospitals to help with feeding
- There are no bad questions—so ask away!
Reach Out
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help
- Don’t hesitate to ask your pediatrician questions
- Reach out to family and friends that you trust
- There will be hard days, so build your support network from the start
Feeding Baby
- Your baby will be hungry!
- Newborns will nurse or take the bottle every 2-3 hours on average
- Formula-fed newborns lose ab